I had mostly been staying out of the Internet Film Discourse lately, but I do occasionally peak back in and look around. And apparently there had been a surreal and strange discussion on Twitter regarding the film "Miami Vice".
Yeah, that one, the film, "Miami Vice". Apparently, somebody on Twitter talked about showing his girlfriend his favorite movie. It devolved from there, and the point I first saw it, was a FB friend, who's a critic himself, posting a picture of a tweet that reads, and I'm gonna quote, but not name the person here:
"As a queer Black woman if you tell that "Miami Fucking Vice" is your favorite movie, I'm DEFINITELY going 2 assume you are a meathead heterosexual with GODAWFUL tastes in movies. Your fake offense is giving Black Woman witch hunt & your bedazzled Klan hoods are showing."
I'm not even gonna pretend to try to dissect, or explain, whatever the hell that was. My only thought regarding it, just seeing this tweet of a tweet about the subject was "Wait, somebody's favorite film is 'Miami Vice'"?
Frankly this thought, just-, well, I didn't believe it. And it's not that I think "Miami Vice" is a bad movie, I actually thought it was good myself, but "favorite" movie, of anybody? No, why would it be? It's not interesting or memorable enough to be anybody's favorite. And if you do like it, than you'd probably just, like the show, 'cause the movie actually did a good job or recreating the feeling of the series, and if you like, the action crime stuff, there's too many other better, more interesting films you can have as your favorites. I didn't get either, meathead heterosexual or godawful tastes in movies, but I did come up limited knowledge or exposure to films, 'cause the only thing that made sense to me is that, this person hasn't seen a lot of movies yet and for some reason, his limited viewing experience, has somehow led to "Miami Vice" being the best of a weak bunch. So, I tweeted back, as much.
I wrote: I'm not a queer black woman, but if somebody tells me that "Miami Vice" is their favorite movie, I'm gonna presume that person has only seen like four movies, and got really bad advice on which ones to watch first. I mean what other scenario is there?
I was a little taken aback that my friend pushed back on me on this. I literally stared at the screen for like about an hour and a half, but he thought my declaration was far worst than the original tweets that started all this discourse, and-, that's when I finally just decided to just dive into this ordeal, 'cause I had to figure this out. So, I looked through it.
The guy who claims his favorite movie is "Miami Vice" is Brandon Streussnig. I think I've read a few of his reviews and/or articles before; he's an freelancer who writes reviews for several websites and magazines on film, with a heavy focus on action films. He's also, according to his Twitter, he's a (frustrated sigh) Baytriot. For those who don't know, that's a colloquialism for being a Michael Bay fan. So..., that crime against humanity aside, uh, I'm not particularly a fan, but he talked about introducing his "favorite film" to his girlfriend, as some kind of...- well, I guess yeah, that can be, a big moment. It kinda does feel shitty that somebody would take that and make some kind of political assertion which was definitely not what I was trying to do; I just wanted the smartass observation and then go on with my life. But somebody commented on it, bringing in, a lot of baggage, and made a lot of jumps and leaps, apparently she really hated that movie and hates people who like that movie, which...- I mean,- I'm sorry her declarations are so outlandish that I don't even want to acknowledge them. Frankly, I think my original swarmy comment relates perfectly to her as well, if you're somebody who hates "Miami Vice" that much, I'd think you haven't seen a lot of truly awful terrible movies either.
You see,- really, what strikes me weird, is just having any passionate feelings about the film. Until this was even mentioned, I barely remembered that "Miami Vice" film even existing, and again, I like it, I think it was a good movie, but I haven't thought about it since it came out and barely thought about it then, and really, if there is something particularly vicious about my comment, it's not really against any of these people's choices for favorite movie, it's that severe reaction to pieces of media, that, frankly is what I was really reacting too. It's been on my mind lately, 'cause as all this was happening, I was in the middle of watching the fourth "John Wick" movie.
Yeah, that one. I'll write my review eventually, but- I'm sorry, I don't understand the popularity of this franchise. I've been trying, but-, and again I don't hate these films, I just, have never understood why anybody would react to them. Positively or negatively! What is appealing about this that you can't get better, or different, somewhere else. and yet, "John Wick" keeping being popular and everybody keeps overly-praising them, and I'm just like,- they're-, they're fine! What the fuck!? I kinda had a similar reaction to "Man of Steel"; I feel like I was the only person who had a fairly neutral position on that film. I saw it, wrote my review, and then forgot it right away. And then, like a goldfish turning around and being surprised by the little plastic castle, every time I turned around, it seemed everybody had a "Hot Take", and it hurt my head even trying to remember stuff from that film. That's why, I felt puzzled by the choice of "Miami Vice" as a favorite,.... I guess I'm warming up to that possibility of somebody liking it enough to make enough it their "favorite", but in the moment....-
(Long pause, depressed sigh)
Actually, no.... Honestly, that's not-, (Sigh) That's not even it really. When my friend said that my declaration was worst than the original, thing,...-, all that, he said that, "...If 'Miami Vice' is your favorite movie, than 'Miami Vice' is your favorite movie."
And I stared at that statement for hours. Like, I know, logically, he's right, but consciously it was not going through my head. Like, I was just doing, I'm trying to do mental gymnastics and jump through hoops trying to explain how I could think that, or perhaps, how I could possibly argue that....
Look, I'm lying to you all. This isn't an article about Streussnig or "Miami Vice", or "John Wick", or even about how movies can get severe reactions to others when I find almost nothing from them... That's just the jumping off, catalyst of what got me thinking about what I'm really gonna write about, and to be honest, this isn't even a good catalyst to bring this up, but...:
(Deep calming breath)
See, here's the thing: in all my years of running this bog, being a film student, filmmaker, screenwriter, etc., all that time, I've devoted to films and filmmaking there is no question that I fucking hate more than "What is your favorite film?" I have no idea how to answer that question. I just-, I don't get the question. I don't have, "favorites",- or at least, I don't think, "favorites" have any,- ugh, I don't even know how to put this, I don't see how favorites, relate to, the person. Does that make sense? Like, I don't think the answer to that, ultimately says anything about you. Or, at least, I don't believe think it should at least. Which is why that fucking question pisses me off so much, 'cause that's what they mean, when they say that. They're trying to figure out, your personality or something; like they're trying to see if their astrological signs match, and- like why?! Why would you think that?! Why would you think that matters? If anything, I'd be worried if people like the same stuff I like, and I do mean, "Like" in this case. Not, think is good, I'm talking about "stuff I like" here, and I do distinguish those two, I don't know why others don't, but even still, frankly I hate the stuff I like.
I know that sounds weird, but I wouldn't want to be around those who relates that well to me. You see, that's why I don't interpret this as something that's like, a good things, "favorites", to me, mean, limiting oneself. Narrowing your view and perspective; it's making your world smaller. It's making your perception of others smaller. It always baffles me when I hear fans, talking about how they meet people and relate to them through similar extreme, narrow, interests, like what they're favorite things are and what they focus on.
I don't believe, what I like, should then, infer what I am, nor do I think it actually does and to me, that's something that happens way too much. And it's a frustrating belief to have, especially when you are somebody who looks to seek out more and different, especially in art, and you constantly see everybody drifting towards the same shit. Frankly, it makes me starts hating the stuff they drift towards more, whether I actually hate it or not.
Alright, again, this isn't an anti-fan blog of mine, I have plenty of those, but it is weird; am I only one who does think that this is so weird, that we do brandish ourselves, based on the stuff we like that other create? That we just naturally make that apart of us, and everybody around you just accepts it, and I don't like, just being accepted or felt like I'm understood based on shit like that. It feels like a pose. No matter what answer I feel like I can give to that question, even if I did have an answer, I feel like the girl that dresses like a punk rocker 'cause all her friends dress like that too.
So, there. That's why, this bugs me, 'cause I don't have favorites. I have a critical analytical eye, and it bugs me when that's not the dominant way of observing stuff. It makes it seem like nobody gives a damn whether anything is good or not, and frankly, if you can't see or express why something is good, than I don't care why you like it. Like, is a germ of nature and nurture combinations, the randomness of discovery and chance; it's a side-effect of how we viewed the world, when the world was indeed, new and limiting to us. Seeing the rest of the world, still take to that as the default, always comes off as a simplistic and narrow view. To me, favorite equates to limiting, and frankly, I don't get why so many would limit themselves with things like favorites, especially when he realize exactly how subjective and bias something like that can be, when there is a whole world of art out there.
I can definitely see how some of you might be reading this and thinking, that this is all bullshit. Another justification for anti-social behavior and that the unwillingness of a so-called (finger quotes) "film critic" and "screenwriter" to actually be willing to admit that they indeed personally like something, that they have favorites, is somehow the fault of the rest of the world, and not a personal psychoanalytical issue, that I'm just using this as a guard that hides my own personal psychological neuroses that get in my way of actually being able to relate to others as though they're human beings 'cause I'm not able to get over my own paralyzing social anxiety disorders, well,- I'm sorry to disappoint, but, that couldn't be more,...- correct....
It's-, it's-um...- tsk... yeah. That's..., that's what it is, isn't it?
Lights go dark surrounding ME, on his computer. He takes a lot of slow deep breaths, while he clinches his hands lightly above his nose, covering his eyes, realizing what he has to do. He sobs, he tries to hold it in, but some cries come out, his eyes slightly tear up. He changes the font and bold on his blog, knowing, he has to continue.
It's been rough these last few years for me. I-um, while I was moving, I recently found some of my-eh, my old child psychologist notes. I don't know if I've ever actually read them before, but- they painted a picture of me. You see, my autistic brother is still in the hospital, and we're waiting for him getting a permanent placement. He's younger than me, and-eh, I guess, growing up, we-eh,- it became more and more clear we'd had to focus so much time and energy, medical and otherwise on him, over-the-years, that-eh, we didn't really get around to, continuing, getting me the help to work through/on my issues. I don't even, really think I realize they were issues, or problems...- or at least, that they were as concerning to the people and loved ones around me, as they were. Now, I read it, and it's like, "Oh shit!", I guess that really was concerning.... They said a lot of things, some of it, I'm not sure about, other things though, have felt really prescient.
One of them is that, I have a hard time being able to be understood by others, and boy, have I felt that lately. I do remember, having a really hard time, sometimes,- I think we thought it was an accent or speech impediment. I think I just thought everybody was using me as the butt of a joke, but maybe not. I think that's why, it does feel like, I'm over-expressing myself, using so many words and all...-, 'cause what's a natural feeling to me, is just, not really often a feeling others connected to,- and-eh, it always felt like I needed to keep, searching and finding the words a way to express these feelings so they could understand, and I think people, especially when they're kids, they can be mean when they don't understand you....
(Frustrated sigh, holding back tears)
And it makes it,- frankly, all those, bad experiences, and the struggles to connect and be understood by others, and when you can't always do it, frankly, it makes you not want to be personal. It makes you skeptical of those who are, and all the aspects of humanity that are needed to connect. It makes you cynical; it makes you critical. It makes, those failures you have when you do try connect even worst, 'cause-, you know, that your struggles to even try, are so much more difficult for you, and when, it doesn't work, you feel so defeated. When you feel like, you're trying, three times harder than you ever naturally would, and then you get told that you're not meeting them halfway, or that you're doing it wrong still..., and you're just stumbling to try to figure this out...- UGH!
(Holding back tears)
Oh god,- why is this...? Why is this so hard,- why is this so much harder for me? WHY IS IT, SO GODDAMNED INGRAINED IN ME, that what's natural and normal for others, is something that my mind and body, rejects so easily!!!!!!
(Extremely long pause)
I don't know why, certain aspects of, revealing myself to others, being open about myself, is so-eh,- is such a struggle, but it is. It just is....
(Deep breath)
I wish I was able to have a favorite film that I'd be nervous about showing someone I care about....
Lights slowly turn back on. He looks around as the room brightens around him. After a moment, he motions to switch the font back, but then stops, and decides against it.
Okay, let me...- let me, re-introduce myself. I'm David Baruffi, and I have lots of favorite films. I really don't think that, tsk, they mean as much to me or represent me and my-, whatever.... I don't know how to describe it, but I don't think my favorite films mean as much personally to me, as other peoples' favorite films seem to mean as much, personally to them, and frankly I don't even really, fully get why they do mean so much to those others.
That said, here's some of my favorite films and why:
Let's start with "Casablanca".
I know it's a cliche answer, but goddamn it, I've spent literal weeks of my life, where I just did nothing but watch "Casablanca" on a loop, 'cause I couldn't fathom how their could be a better movie than this, and if left to my own devices there's a chance I'd still be watching it on a loop. It was my Grandmother's favorite too, but I love it; I quote it regularly, and it is so damn quotable. It really is just a perfect, brilliant script.
Next, I'm gonna cheat and go with three films. The "Three Colors Trilogy."
I could probably pick any Kieslowski film, he's probably my favorite director. I even put "The Decalogue" on my Top Ten of all-time list, and I go back and forth, but even few years I need to rewatch the Three Colors Trilogy. "Blue," "White" and "Red". They don't reexamine how I look at film, but reevaluate how I look at emotions. How I look, random events, and connect the physical and the spiritual worlds. I'm not normally that religiously inclined, to think things are so connected, but watching his films and these ones makes me feel like they are, and frankly I do love that feeling.
What else. Um...- I guess "Back to the Future".
I feel stupid even saying that though, "Back to the Future" is everybody's favorite movie. Have you ever met anybody who hated it, or wasn't overly-fascinated by it? No, that person doesn't exist.
Alright, here's a hot take, Frank Capra's best movie, is "Arsenic and Old Lace".
A lot of this is that, I'm not terribly big on most of his other great films, but I love comedy, and few movies make me laugh consistently more than "Arsenic and Old Lace". I also love theater, and typically film people aren't supposed to like movies that are basically just film productions of a play, but I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I think some of the best movies of all-time feel like you're watching a play, and the best ones should make you want to see the play live, and man, I hope I do see a decent live production of "Arsenic..." one day.
In that same vein, I tend to love movies that take place mostly in one location. Like, "The Breakfast Club".
Every time I think that one might be a little outdated, I rewatch it, and yeah, there's some issues with it, but, I don't know, it still gets at something for me. It feels weird that their wasn't a movie like that before.
I like that, I like "12 Angry Men".
I liked the teleplay on that one before the film even. Um, I love the Before Trilogy.
Those are more locations, but still, I like conversations in intimate settings. For instance, I don't think this one comes up a lot, "Dinner Rush".
I'm only posting the trailers, but somebody post the whole movie on YouTube if you want to look it up, this is underrated classic. The whole film takes place in an Italian restaurant. And, yeah, maybe me being an Italian-American means that a lot of my favorite films, have some Italian aspects to them....
Yeah, I can't pretend isn't something that me and my family have referenced all the time. I do love this film; I used to keep some framed portraits of both "The Godfather" and "The Godfather Part II". My family even started back east and then left out west for Nevada. We mostly came from South Jersey/Philadelphia area, so, "Rocky" is also important to me.
(Shrugs) I am amazed how even the most cynical people go into "Rocky" and think they're gonna hate it. It's probably my favorite action movie, but it's also such a great love story. That's the Philly side of me. The Jersey side of me, that also loves movies that take place in the same place, loves, "Clerks."
I like most Kevin Smith comedies, but "Clerks." hits close to home for me. Although, I guess it depends on the day, I might prefer "Dogma" depending on my mood. (Shrugs) Let's see, well, I can't leave this one out I guess.
This is more or less my love of Looney Tunes as much as anything, but man, this movie's still great. The studios keep trying to go backwards and recreate it now, but you're never seeing a movie like "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" again. Maybe this is why all the superhero crossovers have never satisfied me, I saw Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny crossover, why should I be impressed that Superman and Batman are together, or whomever? Still, I've talked about many of these films before, but here's one I haven't.
See, I don't know if this is actually a "favorite", or just a movie I have a deep connection too; I watched this film on a loop pretty constantly. I think I kept expecting it to be a cartoon, 'cause the opening credits were animated and the cover of the VHS had Donald Duck masks, but eh, "Ruthless People" actually holds up pretty well.
(Sigh) I don't know, is that enough? Is it too much? I can't tell. I can go one for hours. I either have too many or none at all in my mind.
Honestly, just doing this makes me realize that, and I hate to reiterate it but, yeah, I just don't like favorites. Not that I hate my favorites, I just don't like favorites in general. I thought I would like them more doing this, being this open,- trying to be more open about myself, but I don't like getting excited for stuff like that. Well-, let me rephrase that, I don't like, "Me", getting excited for stuff like that. I don't like how I am when I'm like that,
I like critically looking at things. I like looking at art and trying to determine what they were trying to do, whether it worked or not, was it a good idea, was it the best idea, etc. etc. I don't get joy out of my personal favorites; I don't think it's noteworthy that I've spent weeks of my life just watching "Casablanca", or that, I spent much of my childhood watching old "SNL" reruns, or whatever it was.... I could talk for an hour on "Smokey and the Bandit," too but, is that something special about me, or just a side effect of how I grew up or what I was exposed to?
I like critically looking at things. I like looking at art and trying to determine what they were trying to do, whether it worked or not, was it a good idea, was it the best idea, etc. etc. I don't get joy out of my personal favorites; I don't think it's noteworthy that I've spent weeks of my life just watching "Casablanca", or that, I spent much of my childhood watching old "SNL" reruns, or whatever it was.... I could talk for an hour on "Smokey and the Bandit," too but, is that something special about me, or just a side effect of how I grew up or what I was exposed to?
Perhaps it might be special to others, but it's not to me, maybe it was at one time,... and perhaps that lack of excitement is why I do have trouble finding somebody to share my "The West Wing" DVD collections with.
I'm not sure entirely why I'm like this, but I am.
But, I'm trying.... It's a start. A re-start, if you will.